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 Osinakachi Akuma Kalu During the Tilmati Fearism Award ceremony on Sunday 19 th of August 2018, Osinakachi Akuma Kal...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


 Osinakachi Akuma Kalu

During the Tilmati Fearism Award ceremony on Sunday 19th of August 2018, Osinakachi Akuma Kalu the Nigerian thinker was announced the winner for the year 2018. The award was accompanied with the token of $200. However, during the board meeting headed by the chairman Prof. Dr. Tanka P. Neupane, Desh Subba the propounder and Deepak Subedi the secretary, Osinakachi was given two other Certificates making it three certificates and an authorization letter. These certificates make him a qualified and sound Fearism scholar. It is no doubt that he is the first to badge these top-line certificates ones.
1.    Tilmati Fearism Award 

This award is given to the best Fearism scholar of the year. The evaluation is based on the persons academic writings and dedication to the growth of the Philosophy of Fearism.

2.    Membership Certificate

This certificate makes him a board member of the movement and Fearism Study Center Dharan Nepal. He can now make contributions for the growth and development of the institution.

3.    Certificate of Recognition

This award shows that Osinakachi Akuma Kalu is now a recognized Fearist/Fearologist, after his tireless dedication to worthy causes and willingness to learn and share his knowledge at the Fearism Study Center.
4.    Authorization Letter
This letter authorizes Osinakachi Akuma Kalu to work independently on behalf of Fearism Study Center in Africa and all over the world. And so, he can now issue certificates, give awards, organize, make constitution and act in accordance to it.
We say congratulations to him, wishing him all the best in this enormous task handed over to him.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Potentiality and Limitations of Philosophy of Fearism

Review by Ramesh KC
Translated by Desh Subba

Edited by Osinakachi Akuma Kalu

Desh Subba published a book “Philosophy of Fearism” the subtitle “life is conducted, directed and controlled by fear.” Depicts how he (subba) logically proves how ‘fear’ is at the center of human action(s). By that he means that humans and the universe is controlled by fear. Rightly from the ancient era, fear has been a matter of intellectual discuss. However, Subba systematized it, pointing in his notion “ism” the relevance of fear in man’s struggle
One of the theist existentialist thinkers Soren Kierkegaard studied about ‘fear and anxiety’ from the existential view point. He opined that between fear and anxiety, people seek existence. His important book is ‘Fear and Trembling’. Existentialists though discuss fear based on violence and its impact on the people. The Second World War posed fear on people is a kind of such an existential fear. Hence, Subba the propounder of Philosophy of Fearism categorized fear pointing out how human race suffered through it, and how it also helped in shaping human[ity]. For him also, fear helped in human evolution through agricultural age, industrial age, modern and post modern age. In the primitive age: people felt secured when they have sharp weapons but in recent time atomic weapons and other sophisticated arsenals surphises. It is not enough to speak of fear from the psychosis view point. From the biological perspective, it is also hereditary.
            In reality it is obvious that humans are fearful. Without fear, the world cannot move forward. The philosopher U. G. Krishnamurti has it that, “we are not close to each other as a result of love but fear.” Fear helps us to live communally and to search for a better way of life so as to live a fearless life. The idea of police, court and law came as a result of fear. Nevertheless, there are still insecurity challenges in human existence. The structure of the human body determines human character. Fear is one of those vital factors that structures man. If through gene editing we remove fear from man, the humanperson might be very dangerous.
            Since biologically, the brain is structured in such a way that it stimulates fear, psychologically fear could be minimized. Right from the primitive age, man lives in fear and exercises it because he is made in that form. Subba philosophically interpreted this universal truth through his notion of philosophy of fearism. Nevertheless, he does not have the fearless technique. The Hindu religion has taken fear, slumber, food and sex is a natural aspect of man which biologically is inherent in man. It is an important task to examine its ism (a la fear). That living things are intimately living together with it is another vital truth. In the book Philosophy of Fearism there are many logical arguments with epistemological tones proving this point. In recent time philosophers claim that, “human being cannot be changed culturally and psychologically. Any attempt to change human must be biologically through genetic engineering.     
            Thus, what is the limitation of Philosophy of Fearism? Interaction alone cannot solve the problems of man by bringing about a fearless society. To solve a biological problem, a biological means/methods ought to be applied.
            To be fearless and discussing philosophy of fearism is not the same thing. Invention doesn’t or is not the only way of making the world fear free. Though intellectual discussion, we see life and the world we live in a broader sense through different and new angles. Building on this backdrop, the author did a successful work because; he took various philosophical lenses to examine the reality of fearism in a 370 treatise.

Friday, August 31, 2018


We are living in a world where even though we tend to run away from natural-fear(s)[1], the society create fear(s) for us directly or indirectly (artificial-fear(s)[2]). To this fact Desh Subba stated it clear that, “life is directed, conducted and controlled by fear,” which though does not presuppose that one should subscribe to fear but serves as a clarion call for us to raise eyebrow on this phenomenon fear.
This article is a fearological reflection on the notion of ember months (September, October, November and December) especially in Nigeria where some religious sect uses it to induce non-personal fear, interpersonal fear[3] and inculcation of fear culture on people’s way of living within this period. It aims at uncovering how the notion of ember month affects the psychic conditioning of the people so as to defear folks suffering from the emotion (fear) especially within the Christians denomination.

Explication of Terms
Defearing: To defear is to make one fear free. Just like deconstruction. The concept “defearing” is a composition of two terms ‘de’ and ‘fear’. De  which is derived from the Latin preposition de-(meaning undoing, reversal or removing) and fear (an anxious feeling).
Ember month: The last quarter of the year ending with the suffix ‘ember’ like September, October, November, December.
During ember month there is always this tendency for people to strive towards achieving more success so as to beat financial constraint so as to celebrate Christmas in a luxurious way. For while everybody are struggling, the religious people are not left out. Everyone wants to mark this celebration by showing his people that he/she is not wasting time in the city or place of work (this is peculiar to those who live in the cities (mobility of labour) and migrants) who visit the village occasionally.
The religious sects especially the occasional churches that springs up like supermarket with the inscription “worship with us” on their sign post normally come up with fliers, banner and texts inviting people to programs titled “operation fight those fight against you,” ‘cancelling every spirit of ember,’ “blood sucking demons of ember month will not see me”, ‘my blood will be bitter for any ember month demon’, “my head will not be used for any sacrifice in this ember month”.
Some of those captions raise a question in the mind of any critical minded person; are there spirits meant to work only on ember month? Why should these programs come up now? Are there demons that operate only in ember month? Or is it the actual time for the religious program to be profitable?
These programs come up as a result of praying for people not to be use as rituals during this period. People sow seeds to the men of God even when they have little to live on but instead of receiving message of peace and love which serve as an antidotes for fear so as to toe that path of fearlessness, they receive messages that is characterized by fear which will make many to even receive the Saviour in anxiety and pain. In all honesty, the type of messages or preaching’s given by some pastors makes people to live in fear of the neighbor and above all seeing the good in people to be bad. By doing so, they kill the “I-thou” relationship preached by Jesus Christ, Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas. 
The information they are inundated with are often projected in the dream. And as such, the dreamer begins to capitalize on his/her dream. In some cases the one shares the dream(s) with the so called men of God who create more confusion by creating more fear(s) that ends up in what I call fear-societal-disintegration[4].
Fear leads to societal disintegration because it is contagious. If someone becomes afraid of something, this fear has a tendency to spread to others, who in turn spread it further.[5] It is very easy to spread because humanity is confronted by powerful destructive forces that threaten our everyday existence. In this ember –fear, there is always two predominant fears that make people grieve or act as cowards without calling to mind that fear could also be a sale tool especially in fear cultured society.
Ø  Fear of Death
It is truism that death is inevitable. Every human person should strive towards accomplishing the existential calling (purpose) than wasting time trying to be like Mr. this or that. Protecting the self and achieving nothing can even make one to do anything humanly possible to be.
Although life is the chief value, the interestingness of life is that which is successful. By that I mean in the sense of achieving your purpose. Fear of death during ember month comes as a result of non-personal fear; fear that comes from a particular person, individual or private situation,[6] (it is created) intra-personal fear; fear that occurs within the individual mind or self like failure, inadequacy, impropriety,[7] resulting from cultured fear conditioned by religious leaders and get quick money syndrome.
Thus, understanding what one wants, setting up strategic goals, and working towards it religiously in the spirit of fearlessness will be a way of being alleviated from this ideological mishap. It is pertinent to note that the ember months are like other months. Seeing it as different from other months or characterized by some sort of evil happening is a category mistake. Hence, people needs to own up to responsibilities as we recall the words of Augustine which says, “pray as if everything depend on God and work as if everything depend on you”. You will live better fearless than in fear. Life is more than fear, for fear is part of life consciousness. It is a cosmic force that helps in awaking consciousness in humans. Paying attention to some of these fear symptoms which as a result of wrong approach to reality (FMS- Fear Management System) can lead to what R. M. Fisher calls a kind of building fear-identity[8]. This is why he (Fisher) encourages us to pay more attention to fearlessness which will help us to be more responsible in decision making so as to conduct our affairs properly.

[1] Fear posed to humans by natural occurrences e.g natural deserters
[2] Fear that comes from human inventions either ideologically or otherwise
[3]For non-personal fear and interpersonal fear, A philosophical cum psychological Approach, (port Harcourt: EY&SONS, 2016), P.g23-26
[4] Confusion in the society which is as a result of fear
[5]S. Lars, philosophy of fear, (London: reaction books ltd), 2008, P.11 
[6] K.A. Osinakachi conquering the beast fear, P.23
[7] K.A. Osinakachi P.25
[8] R. Michael Fisher, Ethical Referent to Fearology, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KE6TGirOIc