Osinakachi Akuma Kalu
the Tilmati Fearism Award ceremony on Sunday 19th of August 2018,
Osinakachi Akuma Kalu the Nigerian thinker was announced the winner for the
year 2018. The award was accompanied with the token of $200. However, during
the board meeting headed by the chairman Prof. Dr. Tanka P. Neupane, Desh Subba
the propounder and Deepak Subedi the secretary, Osinakachi was given two other
Certificates making it three certificates and an authorization letter. These
certificates make him a qualified and sound Fearism scholar. It is no doubt
that he is the first to badge these top-line certificates ones.
1. Tilmati Fearism Award
This award is given to the best Fearism scholar of the year. The evaluation is based on the persons academic writings and dedication to the growth of the Philosophy of Fearism.
2. Membership Certificate
certificate makes him a board member of the movement and Fearism
Study Center Dharan Nepal. He can now make contributions for the growth and
development of the institution.
3. Certificate of Recognition
award shows that Osinakachi Akuma Kalu is now a recognized Fearist/Fearologist,
after his tireless dedication to worthy causes and willingness to learn and
share his knowledge at the Fearism Study Center.
4. Authorization Letter
letter authorizes Osinakachi Akuma Kalu to work independently on behalf of
Fearism Study Center in Africa and all over the world. And so, he can now issue
certificates, give awards, organize, make constitution and act in accordance to
We say congratulations to him, wishing him all the best in this enormous task handed over to him.